Frequently Questions

Below are frequently asked questions, you may find the answer for yourself

Still at a loss for finding beauty advice? We have collected some frequently asked questions for you.

How to place an order?

When you find the product you want to buy, click “Buy Now”. The content of your order will be displayed in the window, select the quantity of products you need and click “Buy Now”. If you already have several products in your shopping cart, you can click “Go to Settlement Center” to learn about the order details.

Most products can be purchased directly online, and some products that cannot be purchased online, you can choose to go to the nearest counter of each brand to buy.

If you do not find the answer you want, we are very happy to help you! Just contact us via online consultation

How to check the order delivery status?

Your order will be delivered by the industry’s leading logistics company.

When your order and payment are confirmed, the official website will send an email to confirm your order. When your order items are packaged and delivered, you will also receive a confirmation email. In this email, you will find a delivery number, click the link in the email and enter the package number in the email, you can check the delivery status of your package.

The following are the different delivery statuses of packages:

• * Order has been processed

• * Order waiting

• * The order is waiting-the address is known-contact the courier company

• * Order is waiting-contact customer service center

• * The order is waiting-contact the courier company

How to modify and cancel an order?

Modify an order that has just been confirmed-If you find that your online order is wrong, you can call customer service as soon as possible. If we receive your notification before processing the order, we will promptly modify your order.

Cancel order–You cannot cancel an order that is already being processed. Before the order is reviewed, you can cancel the order on the “My Orders” page. Before entering the payment page, you can modify or cancel your order on the shopping cart page.

If you do not find the answer you want, we are very happy to help you! Just contact us via online consultation

Is it possible to return the products that have been ordered?

(1) The products you ordered on the official website of CLARE VIVIER if you find the following situations after receiving the goods, you can return the goods after signing for the goods:
-The received products are found to have quality problems.
-The product was found to be damaged when it was received.
-The product is different or missing from the product you ordered on the official website.
In any of the above situations, we will return the corresponding payment to you according to the original route after receiving the returned goods and bear the resulting freight.

(2) If you want to return the product you ordered on the official website due to your personal reasons, you can apply for return within 7 days from the date of receipt of the goods if all the following conditions are met:
-The returned product must remain unopened (including plastic packaging) ) And unused.
-The returned product must be consistent with the shipping list in the order.
-Please keep the appearance of the returned product clean and undamaged.
Where all the above conditions are met, we will return the corresponding payment to you according to the original route after receiving the returned goods, but you need to bear the resulting freight.

(3) The following special orders do not currently support refund and return services.
-Lettering service order. (If the product has quality problems, you can still apply for the return service)
-Trial orders paid by post.

We only accept the return of products sold from this website. For products purchased from channels other than the official website, please contact the then-purchasing channel to negotiate the return.

What payment methods are available?

Once you confirm all the order information, you will be asked to pay. You can make online payment through the CLARE VIVIER Security page.

*-Online payment: You can make payment through various card types supported by the online payment system.

*-Cash on delivery: You can choose to pay our courier after receiving the ordered products.

The bank information you use for payment on the CLARE VIVIER website will directly enter the third-party online payment system, and the CLARE VIVIER website will not record this information. If you have any questions, you can call to contact the CLARE VIVIER Customer Service Center.

If you do not find the answer you want, we are very happy to help you! Just contact us via online consultation

How can I know that my order has been processed

After submitting your order, you will then receive a confirmation email containing the following information:

• * Order number

• * Order date

• * Delivery and billing details

• * Order list

• * order amount

If you do not receive the confirmation email, your order may not have been submitted correctly. You can inquire online or call:CLARE VIVIER Customer Service Center.

How can I get product recommendations?

You can send your questions to us via online consultation, or call customer service.