CLARE VIVIER™: the subsidiary of SOFINO (ITALY) Group, mainly engaged in fashion, accessories, perfumes and cosmetics

CLARE VIVIER™ 中文:克莱尔薇薇儿,隶属SOFINO (ITALY)集团公司,主要经营时装、配饰、香水、化妆品等高档消费品。

Dreaming Blue is the iconic color of CLARE VIVIER, and CLARE VIVIER uses this unique color in its products as a symbol of their quality and craftsmanship. Its concise and fresh product design and the pursuit of quality brand attitude, has been the favorite of many groups of women, many of them movie stars

幻梦蓝(Dreaming Blue)是CLARE VIVIER的标志色,CLARE VIVIER在其产品采用这种独特的颜色作为他们品质和工艺的标志。其简洁清新的产品设计及追求品质的品牌态度,得到了众多女性群体的喜爱,其中不乏电影影星。